Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago - February 3, 1987

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Source: Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago




WHEREAS, This project benefitted enormously from his extensive knowledge of the intricacies of the citys Zoning Ordinance, and was of particular help in shaping the Commissioner of Plannings specific recommendations to the Plan Commission; and WHEREAS, In addition to carrying out these Plan reflected favorably on his long years of service in the able to provide wise counsel and advice to colleagues effort to make zoning amendments more sensitive affected; and
Commission duties in a manner that Department of Planning, he also was and developers alike in a continuing to the welfare of the communities
WHEREAS, In rising to the rank of Deputy Commissioner during his 28 years of service to four mayors and six commissioners of the Planning Department, he was able to effect changes in administration and personnel matters; and WHEREAS, In all these functions he evidenced a cheerful disposition that was obvious to all who knew him; and WHEREAS, In his life outside the Planning Department, he was a credit to his Southwest Side community and parish and was an exemplary family man; and WHEREAS, Mr. Jacobsen is survived by his wife, Agnes; Bernice and Edward Jacobsen, his parents; and four children: John, James, Janet and Daniel; now, therefore.
Be It Resolved, That the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, assembled here this 3rd day of February, 1987 do hereby recognize Jerome J. Jacobsen for the many years of dedicated service he gave to the City ofChicago; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Jerome Jacobsen.
Alderman Gabinski moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily to permit immediate consideration ofand action upon the foregoing proposed resolution. The motion Prevailed.
On motion of Alderman Gabinski, seconded by Aldermen Natarus, Oberman and Sheahan, the foregoing proposed resolution was Adopted, unanimously, by a rising vote.

Honorable Harold Washington, Mayor, on behalf of himself and all the members ofthe City Council, presented the following proposed resolution:
WHEREAS, Harold E. Boysaw, 75, former assistant director of the Cook County Department of Public Aid, died December 12, 1986 at Roseland Hospital; and WHEREAS, Harold Boysaw received a Bachelors Degree in Social Work from Illinois Wesleyan College in 1938; a Masters Degree from the University ofChicago in 1952; an honorary doctorate in 1965; and the distinguished alumnus award in 1984 from Illinois Wesleyan College; and

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Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago - February 3, 1987

TitreJournal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago



Page count320

Edition count765

Première édition20/07/1981

Dernière édition31/05/2023

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