Ingreso Nacional Bruto de Brasil

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✓ Aquí encontrarás información sobre el Ingreso Nacional Bruto (en dólares) de Brasil durante los años 1966-2020.

✓ Fuente: Banco Mundial (actualización al año 2021).

YearIngreso Nacional Bruto (USD)
1986256.173.867.061,64Show more
1987282.955.492.984,36Show more
1988317.177.371.865,75Show more
1989365.711.839.530,33Show more
1990380.339.036.380,18Show more
1991334.931.411.093,57Show more
1992321.997.047.142,55Show more
1993359.329.728.432,15Show more
1994516.607.762.515,29Show more
1995757.886.586.968,48Show more
1996827.516.902.795,74Show more
1997855.025.884.218,18Show more
1998825.524.306.965,99Show more
1999568.318.825.546,54Show more
2000636.572.488.761,72Show more
2001541.802.025.604,25Show more
2002492.692.609.449,77Show more
2003540.518.512.990,10Show more
2004649.516.039.101,08Show more
2005865.859.652.967,49Show more

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