Emisoras de Radios de Argentina

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✓ Here you will find information about radio stations in Argentina. You will be able to know the locality and province where they are located, the specific activity, the type of signal, the range, the frequency, their address, phone, email, and website.
✓ You can rate and share your experience with these radio stations.
✓ Source: Cultural Information System of Argentina (2021).
✓ Updated to 2021."

Nombre de la EmisoraCityProvince/State
EpN? 381 Pioneros de Pampa GrandeAvia TeraiChacoShow more
ESB 12Florencio VarelaBuenos AiresShow more
ESB 2Los ToldosBuenos AiresShow more
ESB 34La PlataBuenos AiresShow more
ESB N? 11EscobarBuenos AiresShow more
Esc.Tecnica Nro. 1Santo TomeCorrientesShow more
Escuela Pedro Trejo NoelTolhuinTierra del FuegoShow more
Escuela 4-087 Manuel Ignacio MolinaSan RafaelMendozaShow more
Escuela 4-092 General Las HerasMendozaMendozaShow more
Escuela 9 de JulioSan JuanSan JuanShow more
Escuela Adultos Nro 5Santa RosaLa PampaShow more
Escuela Agrotecnica N? 6El SauzalitoChacoShow more
Escuela Albergue N? 173Rincon de los SaucesNeuquénShow more
Escuela Albergue N? 331Chos MalalNeuquénShow more
Escuela Albergue N? 88La HumadaLa PampaShow more
Escuela Comercial Diurna San CarlosSan CarlosCorrientesShow more
Escuela de Adultos Nª 9Puerto San JulianSanta CruzShow more
Escuela de Alternancia N? 3El FuerteJujuyShow more
Escuela de Comercio N? 1 Rep. ArgentinaLa QuiacaJujuyShow more
Escuela de Educacion Secundaria 57General Jose de San MartinChacoShow more