Elencos y Compañías de Artes Escénicas de Argentina

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✓ Here you will find information about performing arts casts and companies in Argentina. You can learn about their location and province, the discipline, the type of management, address, phone, email, and website.
✓ You can rate and share your experience with these casts and companies.
✓ Source: Cultural Information System of Argentina (2021).
✓ Updated as of 2021.


El Cuenco Teatro - Elencos y Compañías de Artes Escénicas de Argentina

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Nombre Del Elenco O CompañíaEl Cuenco Teatro
DomicilioMendoza 2063 B° Alta Córdoba
LocalidadSanta Fe
DepartamentoLa Capital (Santa Fe)
ProvinciaSanta Fe
Código Postal3000
Teléfono(0351) 4714847
Sitio Webhttp://elcuencoteatro.blogspot.com.ar/
Tipo De GestiónPrivado
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