List of Candidates of the 2016 Wisconsin Elections

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Gain access to the list of all the candidates to the elections in Wisconsin (US) in 2016.
You will find each candidate name. political party, district and post.

Source: Wisconsin Elections Commission

CandidatePolitical PartyJurisdiction
Christensen, ChuckBARRON COUNTYShow more
Heinecke, Dale ABARRON COUNTYShow more
Zemke, Dennis DBARRON COUNTYShow more
Rasmussen, KelliBARRON COUNTYShow more
Jansen, KevinBARRON COUNTYShow more
Loveland, Joshua ABARRON COUNTYShow more
Richards, Charles RBARRON COUNTYShow more
Hellmann, DanetteBARRON COUNTYShow more
Nelson, JeffreyBARRON COUNTYShow more
Wilson, TrevorBARRON COUNTYShow more
Phillips, GeneBARRON COUNTYShow more
Breeden, Allen WBARRON COUNTYShow more
Pich, Ronald JBARRON COUNTYShow more
Lentz, KorieBARRON COUNTYShow more
Springer, NatalieBARRON COUNTYShow more
Bonczyk, DavidBARRON COUNTYShow more
Olson, KristinBARRON COUNTYShow more
Stone, EricBARRON COUNTYShow more
Spear, GaryBARRON COUNTYShow more
Schmitzer, BillBARRON COUNTYShow more