List of Candidates of the 2016 Wisconsin Elections

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Gain access to the list of all the candidates to the elections in Wisconsin (US) in 2016.
You will find each candidate name. political party, district and post.

Source: Wisconsin Elections Commission

CandidatePolitical PartyJurisdiction
Dornbrook, Thomas EFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Venhuizen, Jon EFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Kaufman, SamFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Eckberg, James JFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Simon, BobFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Koch, Joseph WFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Depperman, Kenneth WFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Abel, Steven AFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Stenz, DennisFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Schneider, Brenda AFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Giese, Robert JFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Fenrick, JosephFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Skog, Donald OFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Myrechuck, Jay JFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Levandowski, Paul TFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Zorn, John GFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Aldrich, Lisette AFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Baganz, ArnoldFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more
Will, Dean PFOND DU LAC COUNTYShow more