Actas de Matrimonios en Italia y otros registros de Genealogía Italiana

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• This query allows you to access the marriage records of your Italian ancestors. You will find information about the name of the spouses, commune in which the marriage took place and date of the marriage.

• This is an ideal search tool to locate a marriage certificate in Italy, learn more about your Italian family history and to help you with an Italian citizenship process.

Source: Gli Archivi for Anagraphic Research

Wife's Name/sProvince/StateHusband's Name/sOriginal Date
Giuseppina Luigia SoliveriBresciaAchille Bonetti30 Giu 1894Show more
Marietta TortelliBresciaAchille Bonetti23 Dic 1901Show more
Anna Maria Luigia MaranoNápolesAchille Bossis2 Giu 1842Show more
Margherita ParuaBresciaAchille Bottazzi30 Nov 1844Show more
Girolama RussoNápolesAchille Boutet8 Mag 1852Show more
Carolina Priscilla PeregoBresciaAchille Bozzi3 Sep 1891Show more
Miranda Santa Giuseppa ConfortiRomaAchille Braij28 Gen 1918Show more
Clementina SerraniRomaAchille Branchesi10 Oct 1920Show more
Lucia Rosa BernardiUdineAchille BubbaShow more
Nazzarena di MassimoRomaAchille Bucciarelli5 Apr 1906Show more
Errichetta StanisciaChietiAchille Bussolo17 Dic 1877Show more
Carmela di NicolaChietiAchille Cacciagrano3 Feb 1909Show more
Liberata AngiolelliTeramoAchille Caffè11 Ott 1849Show more
Amalia AngelozziChietiAchille Cagnola9 Ago 1928Show more
Francesca Paola ManciniChietiAchille Calchi16 Lug 1914Show more
Maria Rosa VernaChietiAchille Caporale1 Ott 1887Show more
Antonia FerraraNápolesAchille Caposso07 Jun 1848Show more
Elisabetta CastelNápolesAchille Caprile5 Lug 1851Show more
Celeste FainaRomaAchille Capuani21 Gen 1917Show more
Olga FrancesconiRomaAchille Capurro27 Jun 1920Show more