Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea del 12/9/2023 - Comunicaciones e Informaciones

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Source: Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea - Comunicaciones e Informaciones



Official Journal of the European Union
C 322/11

In the 1885 the Diccionario Enciclopédico de Ganadería e Industrias Rurales Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Stockbreeding and Rural Industry, edited by López Martínez, Hidalgo Tablada and Prieto, distinguished and renowned agronomists describe beef cecina at the fairs and markets of León in the mid-19th century: The province of Leon has livestock of notable quality. In the pastures of Leon graze many cattle which, after working in the fields
because mules are only used for labour in the south provide meat in the markets of the provinces of Leon, Valladolid and Palencia. The cows and calves are sold to produce cecina at the fairs of Los Santos and San Andrés in León and the fairs of San Martín in Mansilla.
On 30 January 1886, El Porvenir de León, a newspaper containing items of general interest, news and advertisements, published the following notice: It is forbidden, on pain of confiscation, to bring into this city the meat of dead animals for public consumption, An exception is made to this rule in the case of pig carcasses, hams and offal, or cecinas.
In his book Los Maragatos, su estirpe, sus modos The people of the Maragatería region, their stock and customs 1980, Luis Alonso Luengo cites sources from the Marques de la Ensenada which record the number of muleteers, carts and mules assigned to each village in the region and describe other particular features of this trade: It was a system which functioned perfectly. Each journey started in the village of origin and from there went to A Coruña, Madrid and other places in Spain, transporting from town to town goods of all kinds, including beef cecina.
Matías Rodríguez Díez, in his Historia de la Muy Noble, Leal y Benemérita Ciudad de Astorga History of the Very Noble, Loyal and Praiseworthy City of Astorga, published in 1909 and republished in 1981, describes habits, customs, history, fairs and industry. Luis Alonso Luengo, official chronicler of the city of Astorga, was responsible for continuing the original text produced by Matías Rodríguez Díez, who was the citys chronicler in his time. In the chapter about weddings in the Maragatería region, the food is described as follows. The food served later at lunch must be as good as the wedding breakfast: the turkeys, hens, chickens and other farmyard poultry pay the price for allowing themselves to be fattened up; and then there are chops, cecina, chorizo and veal; and countless slices of ham.
On 31 December 1922, the Leon magazine Renacimiento published an article entitled Prehistoric survivals in the region of León: funeral meals by Julián Sanz Martínez. The article describes the funeral customs of certain regions of León which were still practised at the beginning of the 19th century. These involved holding a banquet in honour of the deceased, at which Cecina de León played an important role.
The collection Tierras de León The Region of Leon 1990-1991 includes a study, by Patrocinio García Gutiérrez, of the marginalised members of Leonese society living in the Casa de Expósitos and Hospicio de León in the early 19th century. In it, the author states that contemporary documents mention cecina as having featured in peoples diets.
Reference to publication of the specification https www.itacyl.es/documents/20143/342640/2022_04_01+PCC+Cecina+de+Le%C3%B3n+IGP.pdf/3d8bfe8c-0ec79b6d-1e20-6e3a4c3c0f5d?t=1648804554571

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Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea del 12/9/2023 - Comunicaciones e Informaciones

TitleDiario Oficial de la Unión Europea - Comunicaciones e Informaciones



Page count15

Edition count9939

First edition03/01/1986

Last issue29/09/2023

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