Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea del 10/2/2023 - Comunicaciones e Informaciones

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Source: Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea - Comunicaciones e Informaciones



Official Journal of the European Union
C 51/21

When the water balance of anlurfa is examined, the precipitation starts to accumulate in the soil starting from November. In January, the soil becomes saturated with water. The water surplus continues until April. As of May, the situation changes, and evaporation of water starts to be more than precipitation. The lack of precipitation in May and June is overcome by the water accumulated in the soil. Towards the end of May, the accumulated water begins to run out. As of June, there is no longer any accumulated water in the soil. This situation continues until November.
Hydrogeological studies have shown the existence of two underground aquifers in Suru. The first aquifer layer is important for the maintenance of soil humidity ad is approximately 50-80 m thick from the surface. This is the layer where excess surface water accumulates in winter and spring and is used when conditions dry up.
In addition, the winds blowing from the Syrian Desert leave plenty of minerals in the agricultural fields in anlurfa with the dust they bring.
Human Factors anlurfa is part of a fertile crescent historically known as Mesopotamia, where agriculture is extensively engaged. It is believed that the Suru Nar was brought to the region from the Babylonian gardens. anlurfa is one of the genetic resources of pomegranate in Turkey. For this reason, pomegranate cultivation has been carried out in the region for centuries. For centuries, the farmers has been following a traditional way of growing Suruc Nar. Irrigation starts when half of the trees bloom. July and August are critical months for irrigation which should not be neglected for the sake of fruit development. Irrigation time is decided by looking at the treess color. Lack of water causes trees to darken and fruit skin to crack. Last irrigation is made by washing the trees to remove insects and spider webs just one or two weeks before harvesting. Harvesting is a delicate procedure. The fruit is harvested with its branch which attaches it to the tree. Suruc Nar can be stored in shade at ambient temperature for at least two months.
Specificity of the product Suru Nar became famous in the region, especially with the name of Suru county, and started to be known. Suru Nar is an agricultural product that differs from other pomegranates grown in Turkey with its thin and elastic skin, yellowish skin color, easy granulated hues, sweet-sour taste, and aroma. Compared to other varieties, high juice content together with high phenolic compounds and water-soluble dry matter gives Suru Nar its uniqueness. In particular high citric acid content which is about 10x higher than most of the varieties in Turkey, and high titratable acidity % contributes to its unique sweet and sour taste.
Casual Factors The pomological and organoleptic properties are shaped by climate the high temperature, high number of sunny days, relatively low relative humidity, and the water content of the soil. Suru being a genetic source of this pomegranate indicates its production over centuries in the region. Water is essential for Suru Nar to acquire its distinctive characteristics, the aquifers beneath the soil surface meet the water requirement of Suru Nar during fruit development in the long and hot summer season. Long sunny days together wiht continuous water supply and relatively low relative humidity give Suru Nar its unique taste, color, and skin texture. Traditional experience to decide irrigation time and washing trees before harvesting contributes these properties.
Reference to publication of the specification

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Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea del 10/2/2023 - Comunicaciones e Informaciones

TitleDiario Oficial de la Unión Europea - Comunicaciones e Informaciones



Page count25

Edition count9939

First edition03/01/1986

Last issue29/09/2023

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